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【日本生研】什么是诊断血清,它是如何制造的和诊断血清的种类---Types of Antisera,How is it made,Types of Antisera

2010/10/23 21:01:01




用于血清学中研究生物组织以确定其具体血清分型 (主要用于流行病学目的)


What is Antisera?


Liquid products containing specific agglutinins to various organism antigens

Used for the serological study of organisms to determine their specific serotype (primarily for epidemiological purposes)




用特定生物体给健康兔子进行超免疫接种。收集产生的抗体,加热, 过滤 ,吸收,最后制成成品


How is it made?


Healthy rabbits are hyper-immunized with specific organisms. The antibodies are harvested , heated, absorbed and filtered  to produce the final product





单价诊断血清 包含一种单一抗体并且经常在多价诊断血清缩小抗原选择范围后使用

混合诊断血清 包含所有的抗体. 例- 沙门菌属乳胶


Types of Antisera


Polyvalent antisera contain several different antibodies and are used as an initial screen

Monovalent antisera contain a single antibody and are usually used after the polyvalent sera has narrowed down the selection of antigens

Omnivalent antisera contains all of the antibodies. I.e.- Salmonella latex