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【日本生研】相诱导法和相诱导法续---Phase Induction Methodology&Phase Induction Cont’d...

2010/10/23 22:17:34


如果只有一个 “H” 抗原被检测出来
必须诱导出隐性鞭毛抗原以识别第二个 “H”

滴入.1ml相诱导诊断血清 (对应特定的H抗原)到一个含有3ml 半液体培养基的试管中(在50ºC下加热溶解,避免煮沸起泡)




允许冷却 – 在克雷吉管中接种并且在37ºC下静置过夜


Phase Induction Methodology

If only one “H” antigen is detected
Inducing the hidden flagellar antigen is necessary to determine the second “H”

Add .1ml of phase inducing antisera (corresponding to the identified H antigen)   to 3 ml of semi-liquid agar in a tube (dissolved by heating at 50ºC, avoid bubbling)


Mix and aseptically place a cragie’s tube vertically in the tube


Allow to cool - inoculate surface inside craigie’s tube and incubate at 37ºC overnight 




有一个“隐性相”的细菌 (或者是第二相)

移植到H肉汤等待6-8小时后重复第二个H诊断血清 (试管法) 来测定隐性抗原


Phase Induction Cont’d...


The bacteria with a “hidden phase” (or second phase)
 will migrate to the surface of the medium outside of the tube

Transplant to H-broth for 6-8 hrs and repeat second “H” antisera (tube method) to determine hidden phase